Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas at Edwenase Rehabilitation Centre

Thanks to the students, staff and volunteers' collective efforts with the Christmas Card Project, the food and drinks generously donated for this year's Christmas party by various churches and individual benefactors could be supplemented to ensure there was also entertainment and enough chicken, fish, rice, salad, beverages, juice and biscuits for all concerned. So as the students return home to be with their families for the coming two months thanks to all who bought the cards or otherwise supported the project. Rest assured Christmas time was very enjoyable for all concerned.

Nobody needs encouragement to dance at Edwenase. Here, the students are dancing to the tunes of a local DJ who once again donated his time to create an atmosphere of fun for all. A small sum of money was charged to provide 8 hours of entertainment. Drinks and biscuits were donated by the DJ's wife.

Canopies were also provided to protect all from the 33 degrees C of heat

Anita and Dorota enjoying the beats

Our first game of basketball after a long quest for a ball that didn't cost an enormous sum of money. Unfortunately, somebody decided to pump the ball up too much afterwards and it blew up. So it's back to the market next week

Party in the Centre Assembly Hall. The 55 or so students who remained at the Centre for Christmas were joined by about 10 members of staff and volunteers along with their families and friends. Everybody was stuffed after the beautiful food. Thanks to the catering staff for their culinary skills and Madame Rita, Mr. Modesto and Mr. Oduru for all their hard work.

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