Friday, January 23, 2009

Protect your electircal equipment in Ghana

There will be nothing revelationary in today's blog, apart from a little tip regarding connecting electric appliances whilst in Ghana. This info. also applies for those of you who are visiting any country whose electricity supply is unstable.

You will save yourself a lot of hardship if you purchase an intelligent voltage protector as soon as you begin using your laptop, charging batteries, etc. Due to the erratic fluctuations in voltage you may find a lot of your hardware destroyed if you are unlucky to experience such events, which from anecdotal evidence occur quite frequently. In Ghana you can get an IVP for about 14 Cedi, 8 Euros or $11. If you go to Binatone's factory in Accra or Kumasi you will knock off 2 Cedi from your expenditure.

If you are using a TV, fridge, dvd player - in other words, a lot of equipment at once, then get a plugboard and stabiliser (range between 45-90 Cedi depending on voltage) to ensure that they don't all blow up when the currents jump or descend to the abyss.

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